100 word response 1 reference/intext citation Due 2/9/2024
Vision Statement
To be a respected place of choice where a child’s joy of learning is nurtured, therefore embodying the highest Montessori principles as an accredited independent charter school to live, work, play and grow in our global community.
In analyzing it according to whether it attracts commitment and energy, creates meaning, establishes a standard of excellence, bridges the present to the future and transcends the status quo. I found that it is lacking, I don’t feel that it attracts commitment or energy. I don’t think it bridges the present to the future or transcends the status quo. I feel that if it did those things, we would be further along with our goals. It is not placed in every classroom and I had to find it among our accreditation work, which means we did it as an assignment for accreditation, we checked a box. My intentions are to now create a new shared vision statement for our school.
Here is a revised vision statement but I would like to create a good one with the school staff, so that everyone is involved in the process, as spoken about in our text.
Vision Statement
We envision being an authentic accredited Montessori charter school where a child’s joy of learning is nurtured. Where a child’s potential is cultivated so they become independent life-long learners to live, work, play and grow in our global community.